
Hello and Welcome!

We are so happy you’re here.


Brand new to therapy? Been before, but not in a while, or maybe deciding to change therapists? It’s all good. We’ve seen it all before. (And it’s ok to be a bit nervous).

A lot of new clients tell me that they’ve either had a bad experience in therapy, or they have negative associations with the term. We get it, especially with how therapy is represented on whatever show you just binge watched and with some of the horror stories we hear about how clients have been treated.

This makes us feel very sad, because we know that therapy can actually be really different from those experiences. Therapy can be fascinating, interactive, even fun sometimes (what? I know.). So what is it like to come to our office?

In therapy…

We do so many cool things! We get to discover how your unique brain and body work, so that you can learn strategies to work with them (not against them) to help you reach your goals. We can slow things down to help you make choices that you’ll feel good about now–and in the future.

If you need to make amends, we can decide how to come to terms with and make reparations for any harm you may have caused to others. We will peel back layers of shrouding, which are hiding your shimmering bits, and polish off those gems so you can really shine!

Sounds pretty sweet, right?

But wait, there’s more! As a result of the work we do, you may find that you stabilize your mood, feel more comfortable in your body, and are overall more at peace. You can learn how to have healthier relationships, ones where everyone involved can really thrive. You may unlock your confidence and self-esteem, removing barriers to feeling successful in other areas of your life, such as your career. We can definitely work to help keep you safe by making sure that any high risk behaviors are addressed regularly and create a safety plan, if needed.

In therapy, you get to become your best self.

We want to see who you are in full wellness and strength. We bet you’re a little curious to find out, too!

Are you ready to schedule your free consultation with one of our therapists to see if we’re the right fit for working together? Or do you want to find out a little more…

About Me

Hi! I’m Anna (ah-nuh). I love sci-fi and reading good books. I am really into electronic music, and I love to dance. The arts are therapeutic tools in my world, meaning I draw, write, and paint a lot and love to incorporate these modalities into therapy sessions. I’m also really into science and love to get nerdy about how our brains and bodies work (Neuroscience? Somatics? Yes, please!).

People who know me well often describe me as nurturing, playful, and funny, although I can definitely put on my serious face and mean business when the time is right. I am sex positive, have progressive ideals, and am trained to work in ways that respect and honor an individual’s unique culture and identity (I do my best and own up to my mistakes).

I am passionate about contributing to the positive evolution of humanity and the world by working with individuals and relationships to create less harm by increasing awareness, intention, peacefulness, and kindness in our interactions with others.

I love my clients and my work!

Freaks and Geeks are Welcome Here

I’m a self-described geek and creative who associates with various non-mainstream identities and communities. I love that, living in San Francisco, I get to live on the edges of normality (whatever normal means, anyway) and work with clients who are exploring and discovering themselves there, as well. I’ve had many clients tell me that coming to my office is like coming to a sanctuary– a place where they really get to be who they are and relax. I’m honored to create that safe space.


My core values are centered in feminist, anti-oppression ideals (the type of feminism that includes and honors women of color and trans folks). It means every day, I work with folks like you to unlearn socialization of gender, sexuality, and so many other qualities to find out who you really are, or at least who you want to be today.

Who would you be and what would your relationships look like if you’d learned different ways of being? This is a great space to practice what that would, and could, look like.

Stability and Community

I’m passionate and driven to support you to unwind and process symptoms, so that you can stabilize your mood and behaviors. These symptoms often get in the way of connecting with others. By addressing them, you can increase positive interactions in relationships and build connectivity and community. Community is so important for those of us living on the fringes, to see ourselves in others’ experiences and feel that we really are not alone.


Finding value in who you are, in your unique strengths and abilities, is vital to your surviving and thriving. It is so important that each of us is here to contribute to this ever-changing world. I’m excited to see what special and exciting gifts you have to offer!

I’d love to have the opportunity to see you through this next phase of evolving yourself and your relationships. Sign up for a free consultation now, and let’s get started!