
Hello and Welcome!

We are so happy you’re here.


Brand new to therapy? Been before, but not in a while, or maybe deciding to change therapists? It’s all good. We’ve seen it all before. (And it’s ok to be a bit nervous).

A lot of new clients tell me that they’ve either had a bad experience in therapy, or they have negative associations with the term. We get it, especially with how therapy is represented on whatever show you just binge watched and with some of the horror stories we hear about how clients have been treated.

This makes us feel very sad, because we know that therapy can actually be really different from those experiences. Therapy can be fascinating, interactive, even fun sometimes (what? I know.). So what is it like to come to our office?

In therapy…

We do so many cool things! We get to discover how your unique brain and body work, so that you can learn strategies to work with them (not against them) to help you reach your goals. We can slow things down to help you make choices that you’ll feel good about now–and in the future.

If you need to make amends, we can decide how to come to terms with and make reparations for any harm you may have caused to others. We will peel back layers of shrouding, which are hiding your shimmering bits, and polish off those gems so you can really shine!

Sounds pretty sweet, right?

But wait, there’s more! As a result of the work we do, you may find that you stabilize your mood, feel more comfortable in your body, and are overall more at peace. You can learn how to have healthier relationships, ones where everyone involved can really thrive. You may unlock your confidence and self-esteem, removing barriers to feeling successful in other areas of your life, such as your career. We can definitely work to help keep you safe by making sure that any high risk behaviors are addressed regularly and create a safety plan, if needed.

In therapy, you get to become your best self.

We want to see who you are in full wellness and strength. We bet you’re a little curious to find out, too!

Are you ready to schedule your free consultation with one of our therapists to see if we’re the right fit for working together? Or do you want to find out a little more…