Young Professionals

I feel like I should be happy…


I spent my whole life working to get here — to this country, this city, this job — with the great opportunities, iconic bridges, and sunsets, newest technology, and entrepreneurial elite. Here I am, doing it, and I feel like a fraud — an imposter.

The stress is so much.

How can I keep up with it? I’m surrounded by geniuses. How will I stand out? Did I pick the right career? Will I ever find time for relationships, friendships, and community outside of work? Will I ever find an internal sense of satisfaction or at least contentment? Will I ever be happy with my progress and feel successful?

Why does it seem to be so easy for some? They just breeze through it, and it’s so hard for me. I can’t fail now. I need direction. I need to know how to balance it all.

Lots of people, including young professionals, feel lost along the journey. The struggle is real (lol). You don’t feel like you belong.

There’re a variety of things that may be contributing to your struggle. There could be some skills you need to develop, or core beliefs about yourself and your abilities that are holding you back. You may even have residual stuff from your childhood or family that’s starting to creep in and really affect you. It all contributes to you experiencing imposter syndrome.

Why is this happening to me?

It’s hard to know what’s going on until you take the time to fully examine yourself, your behaviors, beliefs, and abilities. As is often the case, it’s hard to see yourself from a subjective perspective. Sometimes, you’re simply too close to a problem to effectively see the cause, or the solution.

You need a place to talk about this that’s not work, and maybe even not with your friends and family.

Therapy can help!

As therapists, we hold a more objective lens and a non-judgmental space where we can explore these topics fully. We use a variety of evidence-based techniques to help with a range of challenges — motivation, anxiety, stress, creative blocks, accessing flow states, imposter syndrome, time management, and communication and relationship skills, for example.

If you’re worried about the time commitment of therapy, know that we provide video chat sessions, so you can save commute time and meet remotely.

Even though you feel like you’ve made it in so many ways, you may need a little extra to launch your life to the next level.

It’s our job to help you develop the skills and abilities that will help you soar. Book a free consultation now and level up.